Returns and Exchanges

You can return or exchange the ordered product within 14 calendar days of receiving the shipment. Make sure you haven't exceeded this deadline. The product must be intact and contain tags and original box.

To return the product, please include the return and exchange form and proof of purchase (receipt / invoice) in the return shipment.

Please pack and properly secure the returned product in a protective box and then send it to the store's address:

Rączna 365 32-060 Liszki
Telephone number: 512 267515

In the case of a return procedure, after receiving the returned product intact, you will receive information from us about the initiation of a refund. The money will be refunded to the indicated account within 14 days of receiving the return shipment.

In the event of a product exchange, you will receive information from us about the receipt of the products and the stage of the exchange.